WikiLeaks Vault 7 Leak Unveiled New Documents Describing Mac Exploits

WikiLeaks has unveiled these days, documents that indicate serious vulnerabilities for iPhones and Macs.

Apple has declared that it had patched any of the alleged CIA hacks to its Mac and iPhone, showed by WikiLeaks documents, years ago.

WikiLeaks unveiled new documents describing Mac exploits
The documents released by WikiLeaks, which originated with the CIA, showed a larger variety of methods for compromising and even breaking Apple devices. All these can happen if an agent was able to gain physical access to the device.

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This leak is part of the “Vault 7” documents, which WikiLeaks has been talking about. In these documents, WikiLeaks talks about software like NightSkies, which could access personal info, including SMS conversations and call logs.

But, as we mentioned, all these breakings could be made if an agent gains physical access to the device.

As we were expecting, Apple made a statement about these unveiled documents.

"We have preliminarily assessed the Wikileaks disclosures from this morning.
Based on our initial analysis, the alleged iPhone vulnerability affected iPhone 3G only and was fixed in 2009 when iPhone 3GS was released. Additionally, our preliminary assessment shows the alleged Mac vulnerabilities were previously fixed in all Macs launched after 2013."

"We have not negotiated with Wikileaks for any information. We have given them instructions to submit any information they wish through our normal process under our standard terms. Thus far, we have not received any information from them that isn’t in the public domain.

We are tireless defenders of our users’ security and privacy, but we do not condone theft or coordinate with those that threaten to harm our users."

So, as we see, once somebody gains physical access to a device, nearly all bets are off. But, Apple device owners should not worry, because the company claims that all these exploits have been fixed for at least a few years already.

To be added that the documents WikiLeaks claims are from the CIA date way back to 2008. It is hard for us to tell if these systems described in the documents are still functional.

Moreover, if these documents are true, it seems that the CIA was looking into ways to bug iPhones soon after the devices were first introduced in 2007. In a posting on its website, WikiLeaks declared that these software programs were developed by the CIA’s Embedded Development Branch.

This is the second posting of WikiLeaks, claiming that their documents were obtained from the CIA. As we know, the first posting was made this year on March 7.

The latest posting also shows details of an alleged “Sonic Screwdriver” project. This program has the ability to allow a hacker to boot attack software onto a Mac desktop or laptop from a peripheral device, for example a USB stick.

The most concerning part of this is that it highlights that it doesn't matter how secure you keep a device," has declared Jeff Pollard, a security and risk analyst at Forrester Research, for The Washington Post. 

You have to understand that there could also be something that gets delivered to you in a device that you purchased."

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