Winter Is Coming: The Best Game Of Thrones Inspired Mobile Cases

Game of Thrones is undoubtedly one of the most popular TV shows out there today, which has developed a cult following. If you look at the numbers, you can see how well the show has progressed from its Season 1 premiere that saw only 2.50 million watched the show. The numbers have increased dramatically since then with an average of 9 million viewers watching the season 6 finale in the US alone.
Winter Is Coming: The Best Game Of Thrones Inspired Mobile Cases
Winter is coming cases

What makes Game of Thrones so good is the depth of each individual character in the show. Pair that with great visuals and actors and, well, you get an award-winning show. To date, the franchise has 38 prime time Emmy awards, including Outstanding Drama Series in 2015 and 2016. It's others award include a 2011 Peabody Award, Hugo Awards for Best Dramatic Presentation (2012 - 2014), and several nominations for the Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series.

With such a successful series, the franchise has branched out into many different industries. To date, there are officially licensed t-shirts, board games, action figures, Game of Thrones slot games, and even several mobile phone casings for both the Apple and Samsung smartphones. Of course, these back casings are most probably not licensed by HBO but they show just how dedicated the fans are to creating their private memorabilia of the show. Below are some of the most beautiful Game of Thrones-inspired mobile casings that can be found on the Internet right now. 

Winter is Coming Casing

Image credit: Pinterest
Image credit: Pinterest

For the true-blooded Starks out there, this one's for you. The casing shows the sigil of House Stark, the house that rules the north - which no one can refute. To anyone who says the Stark family is finished; ask Llyana Mormont, who knows no king but John Snow, the bastard son of Ned Stark. 

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Khaleesi Casing

Image credit: Pinterest

What man hasn't fallen in love with Danaerys Targaryen, The Unburnt Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, (claimant) Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and the Mother of Dragons? Khaleesi is as fierce as she is beautiful. Having a very difficult upbringing, Khaleesi's character grew from being a damsel in distress to a powerful woman who can command a thousand ships - nice character development Game of Thrones.

Iron Throne Casing

Iron Throne Casing
Image credit: Pinterest

Ah, the Iconic Iron Throne. The throne so coveted that people either sit on it or die trying. The Iron Throne is currently being sat on by House Lannister but who knows who'll own it in the next season. Ever since Robert Barratheon’s death the throne has been like sitting on Death Row.

Game of Thrones' Season 7 will premiere on July 16 in the U.S.

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