WhatsApp Beta: You Can Now Revoke Messages After 5 Minutes


WhatsApp beta v2.17.148 is the latest version of WhatsApp update available for all users. The most interesting feature about this update is the ability to revoke sent message within 5 minutes of sending it, which means you can easily cancel a message you mistakenly sent.


The update will appears in a new pop up menu while editing or formatting text in the text field. From there you can edit the text or totally cancel it.

Once you select a text, you will see new formatting shortcuts including the various formatting text like Bold, Italic, Monospace, and Strikethrough.

Note that this feature is exclusively made available for WhatsApp beta at the moment, therefore if you haven’t updated yours to this version you will not be able to enjoy this feature. But we hope it will come to the regular whatsapp app soon.

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