WhatsApp to soon get ‘call back’ and voicemail features

WhatsApp, the Facebook-owned instant messaging platform, is soon going to add features like ‘call back’ and voicemail among others.
The company had made headlines recently as it announced its new encryption feeature which doesn’t allow anyone to snoop on users’ chats.
Reportedly, the new ‘call back’ feature can be accessed without opening the app and users can call their friends back with just the tap of a button. The button will be placed in the notifications panel of the instant messaging service.
The Jam Koum-founded company is also expected to be working on a voicemail feature for iOS users. The feature will let users record voice mails and send them to their contacts and will only work when the user is already busy on another WhatsApp call.
In addition, the company might let users share zip files making it easier to send larger content. But sharing zip files may come with a virus, malware or trojan problem.

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