Most Google Searched Questions Of 2015 and their Interesting Answers
Google is a popular and giant search engine where people often search various questions in several categories like education, business, health, lifestyle and many more. With Google Search, people can also search for pictures, news, and things to purchase online. Google has become so popular in such a way that people are using Google as an action word to search for something. Instead of saying that long, simply they are using “Google it.” The largest search engine Google has released its year-end list of the most searched questions of the year 2015. Every year Google reveals the annual “Year In Search” list which typically shows some of the significant events that happened during the year.
We all search for one or the other on the Google search engine but don’t memorize all that we’ve explored for. People like us often search for some things and Google is here to reveal your most searched questions on its search engine platform. Google has been our protector at various moments and 2015 was no exception in this regard. We used the search engine to look up song lyrics, book movie tickets and get answers to many complex and obscure problems.
Google Released “What is” Questions of 2015
Just like its list of top searches of the year 2015 that include movies, books, and albums, Google has also released the top 10 list of “what is” questions. The list is topped by an age-old math question “What is 0 divided by 0?” The list also reveals people’s interest and concern in ISIS, Ebola, Ashley Madison hacks etc.
Most of us expect that people could answer this question instantly with much ease but, it looks like this isn’t the fact. As a result, this math problem topped the Google’s charts of “what is” questions of 2015. Check out the answer how Google answered that most searched question.
What is 0 divided by 0? [Google – Wikipedia Answers]
The Wikipedia answers this question in following words:
- In mathematics, division by zero is a division where the divisor (denominator) is zero. Such a division can be formally expressed as a/0 where a is the dividend (numerator).
- In ordinary arithmetic, the expression has no meaning, as there is no number which, multiplied by 0, gives an (assuming a≠0), and so division by zero is undefined.
- Since any number multiplied by zero is zero, the expression 0/0 also has no defined value; when it is the form of a limit, it is an indeterminate form.
What is 0 divided by 0? [Siri’s Response]
As we all know, Siri is a built-in “intelligent assistant” that facilitates Apple iPhone and other device users to speak natural language voice commands so as to operate the mobile device and its apps. Earlier in the month of June, it was discovered that Siri gets sassy when she’s asked this What is 0 divided by 0′ question. Here’s her response that might help you understand the above answer more easily:
SIRI’s Response: Imagine that you have zero cookies and you split them evenly among zero friends. How many cookies does each person get?
Understand? However, it doesn’t make sense. And Cookie Monster is worried that there are no cookies. And you are unhappy that you have no friends.
Here’s the Answer for Zero Divided by Zero! It’s Just for Fun!!
Most Google Searched Questions of 2015
Here is the complete list of top 10 “what is” questions of 2015. Take a look at the complete list below:
1. What is 0 divided by 0?
5. What is a Lunar Eclipse?
6. What is Ebola?
7. What is ISIS?
8. What is Red Nose Day?
9. What is a Blue Moon?
10. What is Listeria?
These are the most searched Google questions people explored in the year 2015.
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