Apple's Earnings were too Good

Apple's holiday earnings for 2014 were absolutely fantastic. However, this may not be such an amazing thing for the famous company. Apple earned over $74.6 billion in revenue and $18 billion profit in the last quarter of 2014. This profit has been more than spectacular. It actually was much more than what any other company had ever managed to achieve.

Apple's revenue was bigger than the one of Google and not only for the holiday quarter. It was actually higher than Google's revenue for all 2014. Of course, it was more than what Amazon and Microsoft managed to achieve. In fact, Apple made more money than Google, Amazon and Microsoft, combined.

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Without a doubt, this is something more than impressive. Why would this be a bad thing for Apple? Well, some analysts seem to believe that this was an unexpected, too impressive performance, that Apple will never be able to equal or overpass. This means that the company will not be able to register a growth this year, compared to the previous earnings. However, Apple has always managed to surprise and beat all prognoses, so maybe the tech giant will be able to do even better.

The truth is that it will be hard for Apple to beat the $74.6 billion revenue it made. Apple is the most valuable company in the world at the moment. Apple is also growing amazingly fast. It is growing faster than Google, for instance, as Apple's sales were up to 30 percent, while Google's with only 15 percent.

Now, analysts say that the question which raises in this context is: can Apple deliver more in the future?

What comes after becoming the most profitable company in history?

Apple sold no less than 34,000 iPhones an hour in the last three months of 2014. The famous company sold a record of 74.5 million iPhones in this quarter, a growth of 46 percent compared to the same period of 2013. The demand for this device has overcome the expectations of everyone, including Apple.

In fact, when it was first revealed that Apple will launch a bigger display iPhone, no one thought that this product will be so well received on the market.

Well, after the release of the latest generation smartphone designed by Apple, it definitely seemed that the whole world wants an iPhone. People wanted more phones than what Apple could produce, being willing to wait for weeks until receiving the new phone. Only recently Apple was able to finally catch up the demand with the production of its smartphone, which after three months, can finally be seen in stores.

But, how many people are left out there who want to buy this device. And how many people will be ready this year to ditch the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus for a newer generation device? Well, the expectations from Apple are huge and the famous company needs to bring something absolutely extraordinary in its future generation iPhone to make people want and buy it.

The iPhone brings now over 100 percent of the revenue growth of the company and in business development terms, this is not such a great thing. This means that if people stop wanting the iPhone, the entire business could potentially be compromised, although chances are that this will never happen.

The iPhone in China

One of the most important markets in the world for Apple is China. In fact, the Chinese market has boosted spectacularly the sales of the company. iPhone sales in China are exploding, while this represents a place of infinite development opportunities for Apple. The famous company had to open more stores in China at the end of last year and the beginning of 2015 to be able to meet the need of customers. It is an incredible market for Apple, as people in China just love the products developed by the famous company.

Apple's popularity in China has grown a lot, despite of the great competition here. So, not only Apple is interested in the Chinese market. We can surely say the same thing about Samsung, Lenovo, but also Huawei, besides other local smartphone manufacturers. And Apple's products are not the cheapest on this list, which makes its evolution in China even more amazing.

Apple will be having a new challenge to face at the beginning of this year. The company cannot afford to fail with its Apple Watch, so the pressure is quite big. Apple needs the Apple Watch to be a huge success, but it is yet to see how customers will receive this product. Tim Cook recently revealed that the Apple Watch will go on sale in April.

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